Bo Collins, Logger - Morgan County
“It’s how we make a living. The forest industry has been good to our family for the last 50 years.” - Bo Collins

Joey West, Procurement Forester - Cullman County
“What I like most about our Forest industry are the people! I’ve had many working relationships that grew into friendships over years.” - Joey West

Thompson Timber Harvesting - Peyton Thompson
“It’s very satisfying to look back at a job and know we are taking care of our natural resource but also the landowners in our communities.” - Peyton Thompson

Shell Creek Logging - Reid Dumas
“Being out in the woods away from the hustle and bustle is where I want to be, I enjoy working with my crew…I love what I do, Honestly I couldn’t see myself doing anything other than this…” - Reid Dumas

Will Dunnam, Forester - Tallapoosa County
“I enjoy working in the timber business because it provides me with a great living and a chance to work in a job that I love.” - Will Dunnam

George Lash, Forester - Lee County
“I enjoy working in the Timber business because I get to be outside everyday.” - George Lash